Monday, August 24, 2020

Free Essays - The Web of Life in All the Kings Men :: All the Kings Men Essays

The Spider Web of Life  Throughout the novel, All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren, the characters are continually feeling the impacts of their activity later in the book.â Every one of their evil, crude activities were managed again later in the book and not in lovely circumstance.â As Cass Mastern had made sense of: †¦the world resembles a colossal bug catching network and on the off chance that you contact it, anyway gently, anytime the vibration waves to the remotest edge and the sleepy insect feels the shiver and is sluggish no more yet springs out to indulgence the gossamer curls about you who have contacted the web and afterward infuse the dark, desensitizing toxin under your hide.(188-89) This statement is a significant topic that is experienced all through the book.  Jack and the Judge, here is the place we chiefly observe the web at work.â Jack, in line with Willie, went to uncover soil on the Judge.â Jack finds such a large number of things out and as he uncovered it everything turns out badly, the insect got him.â When Jack uncovers his discoveries to Judge Irwin, his dad, he winds up executing himself before Jack gets an opportunity to converse with him father to son.â Although, generally, Jack's objective as expressed toward the start of the book was that he was to seek after truth and information, he expected to disregard this since it was a quest for information, however it had no positive thought process behind it, and, as we have experienced in past books consistently and all through this one, truth isn't generally a decent and honorable thing.â For this situation reality prompted what obliterated the Judge and Jack was seeking after reality.  The Cass Mastern story gives an intriguing corresponding to the progressing adventure of Jack Burden and Willie Stark.â Cass is tormented, as Jack may be, by reality and this drives them both to the edge just Cass falls over and can not recover.â Cass hit the bug catching network when he submitted infidelity with his old buddies spouse and after this the venom never appeared to stop flowing.â He was unable to quit tormenting himself in light of the fact that the wave in the web he caused had been tremendous to the point that it gobbled up his companion and pulverized him.â Cass couldn't right what had been done and that crushed him.â Jack, despite the fact that his wave had additionally devastated another, had the chance to make up for himself on the grounds that, despite the fact that his activity was terrible, it genuinely was in the quest for reality, which, by definition is acceptable.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Social Implications of Computer Technology (Cybercrime and Cyber

Cybercrime, coming back to a definition gave by Toby Finnie, Tom Petee, and John Jarvis, alludes to any wrongdoing that includes a PC and a system, where a PC could conceivably have had an instrumental impact in the commission of wrongdoing (7).Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Social Implications of Computer Technology (Cybercrime and Cyber-related violations) explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The term digital wrongdoing or digital related wrongdoing would be utilized to allude to criminal act like that of data fraud, extortion, security penetrate, kid erotic entertainment (Finnie, Petee, and Jarvis 7). A considerable lot of the procedures include the utilization of a PC or a system, yet a lot more strategies have nothing to do with PCs other than data put away in content records on a computer’s hard drive. To address digital wrongdoing and digital related violations further, a differentiation is made between PCs as focuses of wrongdoin g and PC encouraged wrongdoing. While the previous alludes to wrongdoings focusing on PCs or other electronic channels in that capacity and incorporate acts like unapproved passage into PC frameworks, vandalism, infection assaults, or fighting offensives, supposed PC encouraged violations are in actuality â€Å"traditional wrongdoings that can be or have been submitted by utilizing different methods for execution which are currently helped out through an Internet based PC related setting (for example email, newsgroups, different systems) or other innovative figuring advancement†; or, to place at the end of the day, violations that utilization the PC as a medium to carry out wrongdoings (Finnie, Petee, and Jarvis 8). PC encouraged violations can be all the more efficiently characterized under three fundamental conventional classifications of wrongdoing: against people, against property, and against open request and open intrigue. In perusing the conversation above it turns out to be evident that the term cybercrime really alludes to PC related wrongdoing; in any case, some believe PC wrongdoing to be a region of cybercrime that warrants its own definition and comprehension. The term ‘cyberspace’ became well known descriptor of the intellectually built virtual condition inside which arranged PC action happens. ‘Cybercrime’ extensively depicts the violations that occur inside that space and the term has come to represent instability and hazard online.Advertising Looking for paper on morals? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More By itself, cybercrime is genuinely futile in light of the fact that it will in general be utilized allegorically and emotively as opposed to deductively or legitimately, as a rule to connote the event of unsafe conduct that is by one way or another identified with the abuse of an arranged PC framework (Finnie, Petee, and Jarvis 10). To a great extent a c reation of the media, ‘cybercrime’ initially had no particular reference point in law and the culpable that became related with the term was a fairly restricted lawful development dependent on worries about hacking. Truth be told, a significant number of the supposed cybercrimes that have caused worry over the previous decade are not morally violations in criminal law. Notwithstanding, paying little mind to its benefits and negative marks, the term ‘cybercrime’ has entered the open speech and we are left with it. It is contended that the term has a more prominent significance on the off chance that we develop it as far as the change of criminal or hurtful conduct by organized innovation, instead of just the conduct itself. This is an intriguing luck inside the setting of change proposal, in light of the fact that in spite of the fact that the contemporary importance of ‘cyber’ is immovably connected to mechanical advancement, its birthplaces li e in the Greek Kubernetes, which is likewise the base of the word ‘govern’. More unintentionally than plan, the word digital and wrongdoing interrelates phonetically. This linkage turns out to be increasingly critical in the event that we comprehend cybercrimes as the violations which are interceded (administered) by organized innovation and not simply PC. Works Cited Finnie, Toby, Petee Tom, and Jarvis John. The Future Challenges of Cybercrime: Volume 5 Proceedings of the Futures Working Group. Quantico, Virginia 2010. Print. This article on Social Implications of Computer Technology (Cybercrime and Cyber-related violations) was composed and put together by client G1lbert0 to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; notwithstanding, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Not Your Moms Book Adventures in Postpartum Reading

Not Your Moms Book Adventures in Postpartum Reading Its easy to think parenthood is this blissful experience full of unadulterated joy after all, its a miracle. Social media is filled with things like the mom challenge (post 4 pictures of momming), and Sanctimommies uploading perfect pictures of their perfect kids in their perfect outfits and $1000 strollers, all with the hashtag #blessed. And then theres the rest of us. Were thankful for our kids, but we also know its full of moments when you cant remember if youve brushed your teeth or put on deodorant, when you answer the door for FedEx and only when they leave do you realize you never snapped up your nursing bra, or you start averaging one shower a week. (No? Just me?). As a new mom, I knew cognitively that it would be hard. Very hard, especially because I was single. It was even harder than I expected sleep deprivation is very real, and pervades everything. But I was also caught off-guard by feelings of inadequacy, ambivalence, and intense sadness. There werent enough hours in the day for anything, though I couldnt tell you what I did all day. Once I went back to work, the time crunch got even worse, and I wondered how everyone looks so damn happy on Facebook and Instagram. I turned to books, as is my norm. I read while my son was napping, I read while nursing, and I stay up late to read. The books I chose were, perhaps, unexpected tales of motherhood. For the first time, I sought out humor books on the subject. While I read books that werent about parenting (I didnt, and dont, want motherhood to subsume my identity), it was a breath of fresh air to find there were other women who were irreverent on the subject of motherhood or, if not irreverent, at least werent sickeningly sweet and sentimental. The first book I read was in the first week postpartum: Little Labors, by Rivka Galchen. I had taken a class with Rivka in graduate school, and having read her other books, I knew I wanted to read something smart and insightful. This book was slim enough to not be overwhelming, and was a compendium of essays and observations about motherhood, literature, and writing. As a fellow mother-writer, I suppose I was also searching for companionship in that book. A sort of nod, letting me know that its doable, this work of mothering and writing. I first read I Heart My Little A-Holes, by Karen Alpert, before I had kids before I was even pregnant and found myself laughing out loud to myself. Its even funnier now, because even though people gripe about toddlers being a-holes, lets be real babies can be jerks, too. They poop a million times a day sometimes on you, they have a total disregard for your sleep schedule or life, and they prevent you from ever having a hot meal again. Rude. Not that everyone on the Internet paints a rosy picture Bunmi Laditan is known for her Facebook and Instagram posts that keep it real, warts and all. Her book, Toddlers are A-holes, is another book that actually made me LOL. Because when things are bad, you need to laugh. Its how we survive. Maggie Nelsons The Argonauts isnt irreverent, and its not solely about motherhood, but this was a book I returned to again and again both during my pregnancy and during my maternity leave. Nelsons unmatched intellect about what makes a family, the meaning of changing bodies, and becoming a mother nourished me each time I read it. And each time, left me with more to think about. What books about motherhood and/or parenting resonate with you?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Collin Labranche. May 9Th, 2017. Barosky. English 102.

Collin LaBranche May 9th, 2017 Barosky English 102 Home The novel Gulliver s Travels by Jonathan Swift displays the vast difference of the Houyhnhnms society in comparison to ours. Harrison’s essay describes the way our society perceives home much differently than the way Houyhnhnms do. In modern day, and more specifically in the 18th century the family system that we associate with views home as a place for love, family, and support. In comparison to the Houyhnhnms, they use the home as more a community area to gather. Each article by Harrison, Nichols, and Guenther all gravitate to look at Jonathan Swift’s perception of home and society in a literal sense but I would disagree. I believe that if we look into the overall moral†¦show more content†¦On the side of Reason stand those grounds of choice that address the welfare of the community as a whole. On the side of Passion and all private desires and affections: all those, that is, whose satisfaction is either indifferent or potentially contrary to the welfare of hte community† (Harrison 47). Reason is the key to a perfect society in their mind. But this is where we separate completely as societies, to create a perfect family humans would not usually give up their child to fill others needs. We are to selfish and place family members ahead of others. The Houyhnhnms have a very orderly society where there are no preferences made and because of not having any preferences towards their young and between each other, we cannot assume that the Houyhnhnms have a socially impaired society simply for the reason our two different ideas on family do not correlate at all. Family structure for the Houyhnhnms in comparison to Swift’s time during the 18th century or even modern day is different as well. They have a very utopian sense of family in which they have a set number of children that they are suppose to have. As stated through the novel, preferably each couple wants to produce one boy and one girl and if this is not fulfilled then they give away one of their children in return for a child of the opposite sex. The goal of this is to in turn create a â€Å"perfect society† that each Houyhnhnm seeks as their life

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Discuss two sociological theories of poverty and why it is...

SociologyPoverty is an issue that many social workers are likely to address and tackle throughout practice. Cunningham Cunningham, (2008) state that Social work service users are amongst the most impoverished people in Britain and for many, poverty defines their lives. (p32) Poverty can result from a number of factors that include political, social and economic dynamics. This assignment shall be based on two sociological theories of poverty. The Individualistic theory; which blames the responsibility of being poor with the individuals themselves, and the Marxist theory which views poverty as a social problem that has been produced and reproduced by structural forces in society. This assignment shall explain why it is important for†¦show more content†¦And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then to look after our neighbour. ( in-great-britain-in-the-19th-and-20th-centuries/the-thatcher-years-the-individual-and-society/)Thatcher believed the only way to reduce poverty was through elimination of the dependency culture. One of her attempts to achieve this was to roll back the welfare state through a series of welfare reforms, by raising the criteria for eligibility of government benefits. (Giddens, 2006) However, during Thatchers reign as Prime Minister, child poverty was massively increased, where by when she stood down as Prime minister in 1990, one in three children were said to be living in households with less than half the average income. ( individualistic theory of poverty is still influential and accepted by some people in modern British society and many people portray those who live off government handouts as lazy and scroungers. However, only a few sociologists of modern Britain still accept the individualisti c theories of poverty. Sociologists are now more inclined to see poverty as the result of characteristics of a social group such as a family or a community rather than that of the individual.Show MoreRelatedHnc Social Care Essay4439 Words   |  18 PagesHNC Social Care Booklet of Assessments This document contains all the assessment information you will need for the HNC Social Care. They are collated in chronological order with the lecturer responsible (where this is known) identified on the assessment. It is up to the learner to ensure that the assessment is handed in by the deadline. The assessment schedule will be posted on the moodle site. All work should be word processed and include appropriate references both in mainRead MoreTraditional African Family19679 Words   |  79 PagesHARALAMBOS and HOLBORN Sociology LESSON PLANS BY LESLEY CLARK Sociology teachers and students have relied on Sociology Themes and Perspectives for over twenty years. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Short Term Preparation Refers to the Period Prior Free Essays

) Short Term Preparation Refers to the Period Prior to a Competitive Performance Using the Headings Physiological, Psychological and Technical. Outline the Strategies and Considerations Elite Athletes Take Into Account By Abscissa PEE Essay Question IQ) Short term preparation refers to the period prior to a competitive performance using the headings physiological, psychological and technical. Outline the strategies and considerations elite athletes take into account in their short term preparation for global games. We will write a custom essay sample on Short Term Preparation Refers to the Period Prior or any similar topic only for you Order Now Marks) Prior to an event/performance an athlete will need to do an effective warm-up, this will increase the athletes heart rate, increases the temperature of muscles to an optimum level this will reduce the risk of injury. The four stages of an effective warm up are gross motor activity e. G. Jogging, stretching e. G. PEN, dynamic stretching. Also there is sports specific exercise and skills e. G. Passing drills this is done for the opening of neural pathways and the preparation of firing patterns. Closer to a major event and elite athlete should taper there training this is done so that the athlete is able to rest their body in order to perform at their optimum level during events, however all training should not be stopped during this period technique and skill training can be done. An athlete should also monitor their sleep pattern to get enough sleep in-between training and their events e. G. The British swim team were on different sleeping patterns during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. A factor the athlete should consider is the new form of Carr- loading however this should only be used if the athlete is participating in a endurance event, if the athlete is a power athlete they may use creative supplements o increase their PC stores as they will be using the TAP-PC system during their event. Another factor the athlete should consider in their diet is hydration, the athlete should take isotonic fluid before and during the event/ training and take hypersonic fluids after the event/training this is so that the athlete is able to replenish ions such as Ca+ and An+ lost thorough sweat. The athlete would also need to acclimates to the climate of the venue, if the climate is hot the athlete would need to adapt to these conditions, an example of when an athlete didn’t acclimates and it lead to a or performance is Lenox Lewis didn’t acclimates properly when he was fighting against Raman which lead to him losing. To reach an optimum level of arousal the athlete should use mental preparation techniques such as watching previous good performances. Drive theory that was developed by Cajon states that if an athlete’s anxiety increases it will lead to their dominant performance to come out. For the athlete to reach their optimum level of arousal they can visit the venue and over aroused or they can listen to music that will psyche them up if they over roused, to get to their optimum level of arousal athletes could also use routine however this will be need to be perfected over a long period of time, An example of this is Joe Callaghan used the same routine before every fight and he remained unbeaten throughout his entire career. If it’s a team in order to be working positively there must be good group cohesion and team spirit to get the entire team going to the same direction. To prepare for the opposition the athlete should watch tapes of the opposition from this an athlete will be able to highlight the opposition strengths ND weaknesses, technology such as Prone can be used to analyses opposition and work out playing patterns and ways to play against them. Also athletes can use Dwarfish to perfect there technique. For technical preparation the athlete must check that the equipment that they are using is suitable for the playing surface and climate also they should use taping and strapping to prevent injuries. Also recovering aids can be used e. G. The Australian Team used Ice Vests in the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney as they climate there was very hot the ice vests would cool the athletes down. Also hypoxia chambers can be used e. G. The England Football team had built in hypoxia tents in there hotel rooms before World Cup 2010 in South Africa. The athlete should also use holding camps this will help them prepare for the competition as is would get them away from friends, family and media if would allow them to use world class facilities with world class coaching. Also coaches can monitor everything that athletes do within the holding camps, an example of when a holding camp was used was before the World Cup 2010 in South Africa the England squad used Restrung as their holding camp. How to cite Short Term Preparation Refers to the Period Prior, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Picture of Arabic Feminist

The three stories titled The Picture share the perspective that sex and desire are complicated, not uniformly happy elements in a woman’s life, and that they carry terrible risks, whether one is very young or quite mature in years.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Picture of Arabic Feminist specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Looking at three women and the families around them, the stories by Layla Al-Uthman, Nawal Al-Saadawi, and Latifa Al-Zayyat examine women who are becoming aware of a new aspect of their sexual life, often with less than joyous implications. Narjis, the barely pubescent heroine of Nawal Al-Saadawi’s story, discovers both her own emerging sexuality and her father’s hypocrisy and exploitativeness of his household servant. Latifa Al-Zayyat’s heroine, Amal, becomes aware of the potential for her beloved and desired husband to be faithless. Layla Al-Uthman recounts the tale of her heroine in the first person, a woman contemplating the possibility of cuckolding her husband. All three discover aspects of their own sexuality that open up the potential for great pain. In Al-Saadawi’s tale of self-discovery, the little girl explores her own body in a way that would be entirely unremarkable in a western or secular household. However in the context of her religious upbringing and the strict and reserved behavior of her father, this self-exploration becomes frightening, and momentous. It ultimately destroys her world, which is founded on a worshipful respect for her father. If she were not feeling the new feelings engendered by her growing and developing body, she would not have been up so late to belatedly fulfill the obligatory ablutions her father and her religion have imposed on her. As a result, she is awake at a time of night when her father imposes his sexual will on the house servant. Thus, she discovers the possibilities of her own body an d that of all women, in a cataclysmic moment of revelation.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Narjis is apparently motherless. There is nothing to suggest that she has a mother now, or ever did. Her only female role model is the taciturn house servant who is fulfilling the role of mother, servant, and, apparently, sex object for her father. Thus, at this turning point in her life, she has no one to ask, no one to share her new-found insights with. She is limited.herself, to the role of supplicant at her father’s feet, doomed never to look him in the face, a hero worshipper, uttering the same two words that her father’s servant uses to communicate with him. She persists in her investigations of herself, nonetheless, experimenting and wondering at what she finds. She is too young to have experienced the ‘male gaze’, but has frequently basked in the reflected glory of her father’s respected position in the community. Thus, her budding buttocks are in a sense the first element of her own identity apart from her overbearing father. They are something he has not asked her to do, that he did not cause to happen, and they are her exclusively her own. As noted above, however, they are also a mystery. Najir notes that, She could see Nabawiyya from the rear, but not herself. At that moment, she imagined that she had discovered a new human misfortune: you could see other people’s bodies but not the body in which you were born and which you always carried around However, in a society where women have little or no status, what could be a woman’s own territory, or fiefdom; namely, her own body, Najir is confronted with the unavoidable fact that all a woman’s parts are at the service of men. This is symbolized by Najir’s father’s exploitation of his maidservant. The fact that the act may be pleasurable for Nabawiy ya is irrelevant. Najir’s father’s taking of her sexually excludes her from chances at a marriage of her own, because she is deprived of her virginity, and exposes the young woman to the risk of a pregnancy which could be literally life-threatening.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Picture of Arabic Feminist specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The fact that the two girls are developing secondary sexual characteristics at the same time suggests that they are roughly the same age, which makes his deflowering of Nabawiyya all the more disturbing. The author leaves us with the clear sense that Najir is bound to a path that will be different from the one she was on when the story opened. She does not drape herself modestly in the sight of her father’s portrait. She regards him, in the same photograph that she so admired at the start of the story, very differently. Here is how her father’s image is described before the revelation: His head looked big, his nose large and crooked, and his eyes hollow and wide, almost swallowing her up. After her discovery, the description changes subtly. There is almost a phallic feel to the way Najir’s father’s portrait is depicted – note the use of the image of bulging, and slicing: His wide eyes were bulging, and his sharp, crooked nose sliced his face in two. By the end of the story, Najir has acquired a sense of her own identity, her own body, her own thoughts. Her buttocks, the readers imagines, will likely be bestowed, in her future, where and when she chooses, and not where any man insists they be bestowed. At the other end of a woman’s sexual and reproduction life is the heroine of Layla Al-Uthman’s version of The Picture. She tells her story herself, a near brush with humiliation. The woman has the societal role of a wife and mother, with a grown son, so her marriage was at an early but perha ps not too early age. She acquires an ambition which even she herself terms â€Å"frivolous†, to have an affair. This occurs in spite of her being married to a man to whom she is still attracted, and who cherishes her enough to stage an elaborate birthday party for her.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the process of contemplating her own potential infidelity, she considers the possibility that her husband has long since been unfaithful to her. She also reviews the possible candidates for both disloyalties. The fact that none of the men in her life strikes her as being as attractive to her as her own husband signals that the lech is not so much sexual as existential. Is it not more likely that she wants excitement to offset the ennui she feels? She says, I became very calm, but my mind was racing. I felt a continuous sense of rebellion. I was driven by boredom, drawn from one room to another, from wardrobe to drawer. I searched for something to do. All the things that might need tidying up or dusting suddenly looked in perfect order. I loathed everything around me. The house was rejecting me. Her role in the family is very probably constraining and suffocating, although she has the freedom to drive a car, and walk in public. She finds no relief in driving fast, however. Instead , she encounters a woman who either is, or resembles closely, the older woman with whom her son had a brief affair. It is clear from the son’s letter that he regards the woman as having humiliated herself and disgusted him by her behavior. In remembering this story, the protagonist draws a direct comparison between herself and this nameless older woman. She is appalled at the prospect of her own aging body and face being involved in such a liaison. She would, herself, play the role of a fading beauty trying to recapture some desirability of youth if she pursued her intention of infidelity. As she guns the car motor, she flees both her own foray into infidelity, and, perhaps, the chance to escape the stifling boredom of her life as it has been. In this depressing finale, the reader senses the tyranny of youthfulness in determining sexual desirability. There is no a priori reason why an older woman should not be as attractive as a younger one when fertility is not the aim for t he relationship. However, the protagonist clearly feels, by the end of the story, that she is disqualified from that particular solution to boredom and social constraints. The reader is left to hope that the protagonist will find constructive ways to spread her wings and bring some fresh air into her cigarette-drugged lungs, ways that do not hold the risk of destroying her family. The somewhat younger woman in Latifa Al-Zayyat’s story still has an active role to play as the mother of a young son. She has the excitement of finding that her husband still is capable of fierce desire for her, perhaps sparked by the unfamiliarity of an â€Å"away† vacation. However, this gratification is spoiled by her suspicions that her husband is contemplating infidelity. The author does not make clear whether Amal’s concerns are justified. The process by which Amal arrives at her suspicions draws attention to the sade fact that she seems to have defied her parents and married for love rather than with an arranged marriage. She also seems to have exerted lifelong efforts to be a modest and appropriate woman and wife. During her engagement, for example, she did not want to have a picture taken that revealed a public display of affection. Her chaste and devoted behavior contrasts violently with the other woman’s. The other woman wears shorts, swings her posterior, smokes, drinks, and laughs at another woman’s husband. The other woman is as trapped by her role as Amal is, however. Even if she is actually a PhD in chemistry, her image labels her as a floozy. Izaat may follow at her heels, panting, but he will not take her seriously. She is as shut out of serious life as Amal is. Amal clings to her son in her effort to remind herself of her rights as a mother and wife. However, when she clings to her huband, she finds herself embarrassed by the result. The picture shows her as a desparate woman squeezing her husband’s arm so hard that he grim aces. He runs off immediately afterwards, putatively for change, but the reader is left to wonder whether he has actually gone to get change, or to arrange an assignation with the shameless woman in shorts. Amal takes this photograph as a true reflection of her relationship with her husband. She clearly feels that something has been breached that will not allow for healing. How else is the reader to interpret her willful and spiteful act of defacement of the photo? In case this message is not clear, Al-Zayyat ends the story with the fateful statement that, there was a long road ahead of her. This is a bleak assessment of Amal’s future. As a mature woman, she faces loneliness and possibly deprivation if she breaks with her husband. If she takes her life into her own hands, she will irretrievably change her life. She may lose her child. Is this worth it? Is being independent more important than being married? Is being married to someone who may be faithless worth more than bein g alone? What role would Amal play as a divorced woman? In the course of a few minutes and a few pages, the reader is dragged from a watching a happy wife laughing at rainbows, to watching a wife with serious suspicions about her mate. This reflects the way such revelations occur in real life, so the impact is powerful. The message seems to be to avoid pinning one’s life and happiness on one man, to avoid playing a role that depends on a weak-willed man’s keeping faith. These are three very different stories, but only one holds any hope of long term happiness. Najir has the best chance of creating a life for herself that does not depend on a man’s whim. In each case, the roles imposed on the heroines, whether semi-servant, cosseted arm candy, or simply taken for granted, are hardly a bargain. The only way out for all three seems to lie in a lonely life apart from men. If this is the aim of feminism, it is a bleak one. As has been observed, the categories of Arab feminist writing are not fixed . These stories are definitely feminist because they focus on the women in them, and they are clearly Arab because the challenges that the women face are shaped by the Arab culture around them. However, there is much that is common to women everywhere who think about their roles and their own sexuality. All women need to think carefully about sex and desire. These are potentially dangerous parts of life. Women all share, in the words of Magda M. Al-Nowaihi, â€Å"sorrows and dreams† . Bibliography Al-Saadawi, Nawal. â€Å"The Picture.† Cohen-Mor, Dalya. Arab Women Writers: An Anthology of Short Stories. Ed. Dalya Cohen-Mor. Trans. Dalya Cohen-Mor. SUNY Press, 2005. 60-64. Al-Uthman, Layla. â€Å"The Picture.† Cohen-Mor, Dalya. Arab Women Writers: An Anthology of Short Stories. Ed. Dalya Cohen-Mor. Trans. Dalya Cohen-Mor. SUNY Press, 2005. 73-78. Al-Zayyat, Latifa. â€Å"The Picture.† Cohen-Mor, Dalya. Arab Women Writers: An Anthology of Short Stories. Ed. Dalya Cohen-Mor. Trans. Dalya Cohen-Mor. SUNY Press, 2005. 65-72. M. Al-Nowaihi, Magda. â€Å"Resisiting Silence in Arab Women’s Autobiographies.† International Journal of Middle East Studies 33 (2001): 477-502. Mendola, Tara. â€Å"Where do We Go From Here?† College Literature 36.3 (2009): 221-9. This essay on The Picture of Arabic Feminist was written and submitted by user Cypher to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The History, Patent, and Uses of MDMA

The History, Patent, and Uses of MDMA MDMA’s full chemical name is â€Å"3,4 methylene-dioxy-N-methylamphetamine† or â€Å"methylenedioxymethamphetamine.† The 3,4 indicates the way in which the components of the molecule are joined together. It’s possible to produce an isomer which has all the same components but is joined differently.   Although MDMA is derived from organic material, it does not occur in nature. It must be created in a complex laboratory process. Various popular street names for MDMA include Ecstasy, E, Adam, X, and Empathy. How MDMA Works   MDMA is a mood and mind-altering drug. Like Prozac,  it works by affecting the level of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which is naturally present and can alter emotions.  Chemically, the drug is similar to amphetamine, but psychologically, its whats known as an empathogen-entactogen. An empathogen improves ones ability to communicate with and feel empathy towards others. An entactogen makes an individual feel good about himself and the world. The MDMA Patent   MDMA was patented in 1913 by the German chemical company Merck. It was intended to be sold as a diet pill, although the patent doesn’t mention any specific use. The company decided against marketing the drug. The U.S. Army experimented with MDMA in 1953, possibly as a truth serum, but the government has not revealed its reasons. Modern Research   Alexander Shulgin is the man behind modern research of MDMA. After graduating from the University of California at Berkeley with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, Shulgin landed a job as a research chemist with Dow Chemicals. Among his many achievements, there was the development of a profitable insecticide and several controversial patents for what would ultimately become popular street drugs. Dow was happy with the insecticide, but Shulgins other projects forced a parting of the way between the biochemist and the chemical company. Alexander Shulgin is the first reported human to use MDMA. Shulgin continued his legal research into new compounds after leaving Dow, specializing in the phenethylamines family of drugs. MDMA is but one of 179 psychoactive drugs which he has described in detail, but it is the one which he felt came closest to fulfilling his ambition of finding the perfect therapeutic drug. Because MDMA was patented in 1913, it holds no profit potential for drug companies. A drug cannot be patented twice, and a company must show that a drug’s potential side effects are justified by its benefits before marketing it. This involves long and expensive trials. The only way of recouping that expense is by obtaining exclusive rights to sell the drug by holding its patent. Only a few experimental therapists researched and tested MDMA for use during psychotherapy sessions between 1977 and 1985. Media Attention and Lawsuits   MDMA or  Ecstasy received massive media attention in 1985 when a group of people sued the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency to try to prevent the DEA from effectively outlawing the drug by placing it on Schedule 1. Congress had passed a new law allowing the DEA to put an emergency ban on any drug that might be dangerous to the public, and this right was used for the first time to ban MDMA on July 1, 1985.   A hearing was held to decide what permanent measures should be taken against the drug. One side argued that MDMA caused brain damage in rats. The other side claimed this might not be true for humans and that there was proof of the beneficial use of MDMA as a drug treatment in psychotherapy. After weighing the evidence, the presiding judge recommended that MDMA be placed on Schedule 3, which would have allowed it to be manufactured, used by  prescription, and subject to further research. However, the DEA decided to place MDMA permanently on Schedule 1 regardless.   Trial research into the effects of MDMA on human volunteers resumed in 1993 with the approval of the Food and Drug Administration. It is the first psychoactive drug to be approved for human testing by the FDA.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Can You Earn a Living as an Administrative Freelancer

Can You Earn a Living as an Administrative Freelancer Many people have discovered that working as a freelancer on the Internet or in an office provides more flexibility in employment and allows workers to pick and choose the jobs they want to do. Administrative freelancers find that they can also apply their office skills to earn a living similar to an in-house employee. Since most individuals working as administrators have talents in multiple areas, they can choose whether to concentrate on one area, such as bookkeeping, or work in several different areas.How to Start Out as an Administrative FreelancerYou can find work as an administrative freelancer by using your skills. Think about the skills you possess and make a list. Include what you enjoy doing the most and what you are best at doing. Do you enjoy customer service, support projects related to sales or management, accounting, scheduling or other facets of administrative work? Doing job searches in each area widens your potential work base and gives you the opportunity to pick an d choose the jobs you like the best.Finding WorkThe first thing a freelance worker needs to know is where to find jobs. The Internet offers multiple job sites to search for freelance work, advertised by different companies. There are also sites that offer multiple listings from different companies that you can search. TheJobNetwork searches multiple sites for you and sends you the listings as alerts so you dont have to do the job hunting yourself.Write a New ResumeA freelance administrative assistant can target jobs related to his or her skills and experience. However, the jobs you apply for may want someone capable of doing specific types of administrative work. Using a professional template to write your resume can give you a boost by using different formats, layouts and content to apply for particular types of jobs. For instance, if you are applying for a position as a worker who sets up meetings and keeps the daily office schedule, you can write up a resume geared toward that po sition. A job opening for office accounting work can require a different approach.What Information to Include in Your ResumeThe type of information and style you use in a resume depends on your preference. An individual who has been searching for a job for a period of time or who has employment gaps in the work history may not want to include dates in a resume. In addition, a worker with little experience might prefer to leave the dates of employment off. A functional resume of this type can highlight your skills and experience without exposing gaps in the work history.Making a Living as an Administrative FreelancerWhen deciding to take a job, keep in mind that as a freelancer you will be paying your own self-employment taxes and other expenses that might have been taken care of by your boss in a regular job. One way to decide how much you should charge for your services is to look in your area at the salaries offered for that type of job. Include a profit margin, money to pay taxes and health care and other expenses that you will be paying yourself. However, you need to keep in mind that if you are working from home and can set aside space for an office, you may have tax deductions from your self-employment that will lower your net income.Searching for jobs using TheJobNetwork platform makes it convenient to do. Put in your credentials and the type of job you are looking for and TheJobNetwork does the work. It searches multiple sites using your criteria and emails alerts to let you know a job has been located. TheJobNetwork ranks the job so you can tell how closely it meets your expectation.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Critical Analysis of a Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Critical Analysis of a Film - Essay Example ted nuclear warfare against Russia through a fleet of B-52 bombers each carrying 40 megatons of nuclear warheads directed strategically to Russia’s centers of military activity. The plot thickens as Russian Ambassador Alexi de Sadesky informs U.S. President Merkin Muffley that his country has the Doomsday Device that when triggered would produce a set of nuclear explosions that will eventually lead to the annihilation of all living creatures on earth. Even more alarming is the fact that the device, once triggered, cannot be recalled. The intense subject of the film, especially at a time right after the Cold War, was treated in a different light by its director. No one would have probably expected a political about this topic but this was exactly what Kubrick did. The film shows, in all its legitimate comedic value, the political and social stereotypes that would prevail as a matter of human nature and despite surrounding circumstances. The juxtaposition in the film is an important element to consider in its overall theme. The catchphrase â€Å"Peace is our Profession† is a re-appearing visual that comes out a number of times. In the opening scenes, the audience sees Gen. Ripper on the phone with Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake giving the instructions to implement Plan R and that his order is not a drill. We see him serious on the phone and smoking a cigar intently. On his back is a poster with the phrase and an illustration inside a plaque shape with a clenched fist holding thunderbolts and leaves together with clouds on the background. The same words were not seen immediately on Capt. Mandrake’s background. But as soon as Gen. Ripper can be heard signaling Plan R, the camera changes angles and one can see on his side the same phrase but on a different poster. Instead of the clenched fist, the phrase is unassumingly placed on top of a map with different coordinates around it. This is shown to create the contrast between upholding of peace and starting a war. In

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Quantitative Techniques for Business Project Essay

Quantitative Techniques for Business Project - Essay Example This assignment studies behavior of stock prices at daily interval for the period from July 20, 1988 to July 20, 2009. Figure 1, 2 and 3 illustrate the dynamic character of stock prices respectively of companies Microsoft, Intel, and H&P. The graphical views tell us that these three stocks exhibited exponential growth from the beginning until the middle of 2000. All three stocks later dropped in prices by 30%-% 40% in about 24 moths. They never achieved the previous peak. Microsoft maintained stable prices for the rest of the period while Intel and Hewlett & Packard went through bumpy roads. The dynamic character of Apple stock was different from that of previously mentioned stocks. Figure 4 shows the asymptotic behavior of Apple stock prices from the beginning of the observation period until the middle of 1999. In the latter period, Apple stock price exhibited exponential growth until was hit by the global financial crisis of 2008. Apple’s sudden growth after the mid-1999 can be associated with the release of new products and services. The exponential growth of Microsoft, Intel and H&P stock prices from 1988 until 2000 should be contributed to the development of digital technology of that time. Thus, we can conclude that the innovation and new products influence the rise in stock prices. At the same time, irrespective of innovation, the overall market condition also causes influence on the stock prices. Figure 5 depicts S&P 500 index values from September 26, 2008 to November 21, 2008. In 41 days, the index dropped by 34%. This incident is named as the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. It caused a drop in prices of Microsoft, Apple, Intel and H&P stocks respectively by 27.69%, 35.61%, 31.13%, and 27.55%. This assignment is using time-series data of stock prices. Let Pt be the price of an asset at a time index t and P t-1 at a time t-1. We assume

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Sealed Air Company Essay -- Business Marketing essays

Sealed Air Company 2. SUMMARY The protective packaging market is becoming more competitive. Sealed Air company is encountering a growing number of competitors in its field. Similar or alternative systems are now proposed against those of Sealed Air. These new systems are often cheaper but as argued by Sealed Air less effective concerning the protection they offer and therefore less cost-effective. A new company (GAFCEL) has entered the market with an uncoated product and is having success on the New York, California and Ohio market. Sealed Air will face further erosion of its US market share. Based on the analysis of the AirCap ® product as well as on the analysis of the market, we will answer questions regarding Sealed Air's reaction to its new competitor GAFCELL and the opportunity to introduce a new uncoated product in the market. We will make marketing recommendations on how to introduce this new product and in which geographical market to launch it in order to maintain Sealed Air as a leader of the protective packaging market. 3. QUESTIONS 3.1. What should Sealed Air be trying to accomplish in any decision it makes in response to the GAFCEL threat? †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It should be trying to gain back the market share that was taken by GAFCEL and it should ensure it does not loose anymore market share. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It should ensure it keeps its reputation of a company built on ‘technical accomplishments’ and must ensure its image does not suffer from the possible introduction of this new uncoated product. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It should not ‘cannibalise’ itself and therefore it should ensure the products are segmented correctly. 3.2 What has been happening in the market and how is Sealed Air doing? In order to answer this double question, we have completed and focused our analysis mainly on the AirCap product manufactured by Sealed Air. 3.2.1 Strengths and Weaknesses MIX  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  STRENGTHS  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  WEAKNESSES PRODUCT  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  quality & reliability -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  benefit to customers -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  barrier coating with saran -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  8 different grades to fit all applications -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  patent protection -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  registered trade mark  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  only coated products offered in the USA PRICE  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10[%] margin to distributors for direct sales -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  quantity discount  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  higher than competitors, up to 50[%] (England) COMMUNICATION  Ã‚  Ã‚  ... ...nd this will be effective only with specific selling training sessions with real life scenarios. 5. Conclusion Sealed Air Group will now be able to offer a complete range of products : uncoated and coated. Sealed Air Group will maintain its reputation, its image of quality regarding the coated products. Sealed Air Group with its accurate and well-thought strategy will avoid the cannibalism effect as much as possible. Sealed Air Group will regain market share and sustain its leadership across the US, Europe and in the developing countries (expansion programme). Sealed Air Group will be able to propose and sell the appropriate product to the appropriate customer through the appropriate distributor. Sealed Air Group will set up tailored-made programmes for each country according to the buying mentalities, the purchasing habits and specificities of each country . Sealed Air Group is fully aware that key success factor of its above strategy is the distributor network : Sealed Air Group will build up loyalty with the key distributors through exclusivity, special incentives, special events and higher commissions, in the US and even more across Europe.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Violence in the Workplace Essay

Workplace violence includes threatening behaviors, verbal abuse and physical assault. In any given week about 20 workers are murdered in the United States (Bruce& Nowlin, 2011). This can include the harming of an employee or client/customer of an organization by another employee, client/customer, or member of the general public. Many internal and external factors, including socioeconomic conditions, problems related to drug and alcohol abuse, layoffs, dictatorial workplaces, stress over job security, and domestic problems, are leading causes of workplace violence. Organizations have to deal with human productivity and economic costs from incidents of workplace violence. For example, employees and customers or clients can be seriously injured or killed. In addition, a loss of productivity generally occurs during the incident because the business may be closed or on reduced hours pending investigation and employees may fear that another incident could occur within days or months. Some employees also may quit as a result of fear of another incident or dissatisfaction with the employer for failing to prevent or properly respond to the incident. Physical injuries or emotional difficulties that result from the violent incident may cause increases in workers’ compensation claims. Organizations with policies on workplace violence are more likely to implement practices that can reduce the potential for workplace violence. The managers in these organizations indicated that counseling for potentially violent employees, investigating unfairness in the workplace, disciplining/arresting people responsible for violent acts, mandating fair treatment for terminated employees, using mediation to resolve disputes that have the potential for becoming violent, and intervening in problems between employees were part of their workplace violence policies. These elements are further evidence that organizations that initiate formal policies for workplace violence are more likely to consider ways to be proactive, rather than reactive. Organizations must take steps to ensure that employees feel safe and secure. While organizations are unable to anticipate all situations, basic preventive measures can deter some violence in the workplace. While every employee with the potential for workplace violence cannot be pre-identified at the point of hire, organizations should have a variety of pre-employment assessments in place to ensure selection of individuals whose credentials, work experience, personality, and life experiences appropriately correspond to organizational needs and values. At the pre-incident strategy stage, the organization should create a zero tolerance policy. The organization should document all forms of aggression that have occurred against people and property associated with their organization. Employees should be encouraged to report incidents of which they are aware. Furthermore, for a second strategy, pre-employment screening should include psychological testing, background checks to validate an applicant’s resume, reference checking, employment history verification, or even integrity interviewing. Training should include interpersonal communication, conflict resolution techniques and hostage survival skills to ensure that employees are prepared for any violence that should occur in the workplace.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Human Trafficking And The United States - 1417 Words

Each year about 17,500 individuals are brought into the United States and become victims of human trafficking. Every country has this problem and it has become the 3rd largest illegal industry worldwide. Human Trafficking is the trade of humans mainly for sexual slavery, but also forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker and sometimes others who take part in this act. Human trafficking is also used for organs or tissues, including surrogacy, ova removal, or making these victims spouses for traffickers or their customers. Human trafficking is defined as a sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act induced by force (isolation and confinement to the brothel: transportation to multiple locations for the trafficking network and occasional physical and sexual abuse), fraud (false promises of a better life), or coercion (the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats), or someone performing commercial sex under the age of 18. This is a crime that has newly risen to the public over the last decade and has been labeled as one of the most serious humanitarian crisis. Human trafficking is about profit. In 2004 the total annual income for trafficking in persons was estimated to be between $5 billion to $9 billion. Trafficking of children involves recruitment, transportation, etc. of children for the purpose of exploitation. Commercial sexual exploitation of children includes child prostitution and child pornography. IOMShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking And The United States1066 Words   |  5 PagesHuman trafficking has always been a though subject. Most Americans prefer to believe that this is a problem of the past, that it simply does not occur anymore. Others accept the fact that human trafficking exist, but in a far away reality, an incident homed only in poor, third world countries. This couldn’t be farther away from the truth. Human trafficking is a real and current problem in the United States, California being a hotspot for this issue, and with the Super Bowl in 2016 the problem willRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The United States962 Words   |  4 Pagestakes for cases to be prosecuted and to gain protections is very extensive. Intensifying the existing laws to better defend human trafficking victims is critical.The United States Government, in 2000, certified the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act. This act helps prosecute traffickers and support victims. Since then the number of recognized victims of trafficking has risen as well as trials and social service providers working with survivors. Because of this it gives researchers anRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The United States Essay1585 Words   |  7 PagesLooking the other way while close to 50% of the human trafficking in the United States end up in prostitution, what is going on in these states. The over sexed country does not help to stop it when we constantly promote sex in almost every aspect of life. People are losing their life to find a way to get to the United States through different forms of smuggling. Are these the people that we should be letting get in this country? Right under our nose the women, girls are being coerced into prostitutionRead MoreHuman Trafficking : The United States1740 Words   |  7 PagesHUMAN TRAFFICKING IN THE UNITED STATES: WHY SOME STATES HAVE MORE HUMAN TRAFFICKING CALLS THAN OTHERS INTRODUCTION Human trafficking is a growing endemic affecting an estimated 35.8 million men, women, and children around the world annually, as reported by the Global Slavery Index (GSI). The United States is not immune to this problem and has successfully identified 21,434 cases of human trafficking through the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline since 2007. As with crimes of thisRead MoreHuman Trafficking : The United States1250 Words   |  5 Pagessomeone talks about child trafficking? Do you think of children from third world countries being kidnapped or sold into the black market of human trafficking? Most of us probably think of human trafficking as being an issue that poor countries just have but, that isn’t the case. Human trafficking is alive and sadly thriving in the United States. According to Trafficking Source Center, 5,544 cases of human trafficking were reported in the United States in 2015. With human trafficking being around for soRead MoreHuman Trafficki ng And The United States Essay751 Words   |  4 PagesFACT SHEET Human trafficking in the United States Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons or modern day slavery, is an affront to the most basic of human freedoms. Human trafficking is a crime that strikes at the very heart of the American promise: freedom. In response to this abhorrent crime, government agencies and nongovernmental organizations have formed strong and growing partnerships aimed at ending this violation of fundamental civil rights and human dignity. 1. WhatRead MoreHuman Trafficking in the United States1603 Words   |  6 Pagesother countries to people in the United States. Imports and exports to and from the U.S include products as wide ranged as food, clothes, and even people. Human trafficking is a worldwide problem, including the United States. Currently, there are approximately 20.9 million people enslaved throughout the world with 2.5 million located in the United States. About 14,500 - 17,500 of foreign nationals are trafficked into the United States every year (Human trafficking statistics). These statistics showRead MoreHuman Trafficking in the United States2403 Words   |  10 PagesHuman Trafficking The United States has always been known for sticking their nose in places where it does not belong. America has been part of wars that could have been avoided, scandals that had nothing to do with the United States. Millions of lives over the years could have been spared if America would have just simply stayed where they belong. What if though, America feels like they have to get involved in forging affairs if they think it can cause or is causing a problem on American soil orRead MoreHuman Trafficking : The United States2136 Words   |  9 PagesHuman trafficking is a prominent problem within the United States that is often overlooked. The definition of human trafficking is, â€Å"Human trafficking - the illegal practice of procuring or trading in human beings for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, or other forms of exploitation† (â€Å"Human trafficking†). People in the United States believe that human trafficking is a problem that occurs in other less dev eloped countries compared to the United States. What these individuals do not realizeRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The United States1230 Words   |  5 Pagesaround 15,000 are trafficked in the United States. Half of those are children. Not all cases are reported, and there are few victims rescued in comparison to the millions that are still helpless each and every year. Human trafficking is an epidemic all across the world and many countries are doing all they can to stop it. But what about the United States; what are we doing to stop it and is what we’re doing enough? What is human trafficking? It is defined by the United Nations as â€Å"the recruitment, transportation